Myofascial Release
For Infants & Children

Fascia begins to form at conception! Although mothers have been birthing babies for thousands of years, fascial restrictions may develop from a variety of situations.

Several factors that may impact a child’s fascia include:
• Position in utero • Mothers’ stress level during pregnancy • Medications taken during pregnancy • Prematurity
• Use of medical instruments to induce or assist in labor • Birth trauma, physical/emotional • Falls or accidents (both mother and child) • Preference for sitting, laying, or nursing in a particular position

Infants and young children respond especially well to Myofascial Release. Infants and children have not yet obtained compensatory strategies to suppress their feelings.

Conditions that Myofascial Release may respond to:
• Abnormal Muscle Tone • ADHD • Ankyloglossia (lip and tongue ties) • Anxiety • Autism • Birth Trauma • Cerebral Palsy • Colic • Ear Infections • Eating and Feeding • Issues • Headaches • Hydrocephalus • Nursing Difficulties • Movement Dysfunction • Reflux • Sensory Processing • Scoliosis • Sleep Issues • Spasticity • Spina Bifida • Tics • Tongue and Lip Tie (Frenectomy) • Torticollis • Trauma (Generalized)

What Our Clients Say




My son is eating because of Leanne, she also worked on some scar tissue he had from surgeries right after birth and helped him bring up his trunk mobility allowing him to move and balance better I was a skeptic, not understanding how is going to help. We tried many things before going to Myofascial Release for both our tissue issues and oral aversion. After two treatments, he had improved markedly. He now is a full oral eater, with no feeding tube, no aversion, no texture issues, and a toddler RUNNING around. He did a lot of hard work on his own, but Leanne was a major key to our success.



E has been doing great! She has been nursing wonderfully and she’s even had major improvement with her neck.  Thank you so much for all your work with her! I don’t know what we’d have done without your help!!



Thanks for all your help! O is doing so much better–calmer and sleeping more. I’m glad we got to meet you.



Praying this continues, but A ate meat the last 2 times I gave it to him! Woop-woop!



His sensory score has improved from 72-definite dysfunction last year to 56- average this month!! And 30 points on his fine motor test! I can’t thank you enough for your help!



Friday D started to feed without the arching, and he was calm and relaxed!  He has patches of tightness sometimes when first latches but it subsides in the first few sucks and he’s doing so much better!



She is gaining weight like a champ, and I have zero issues or pain. It’s been going really well. You are pretty much our miracle worker. 🙂



She’s been so much better! Her range of motion is great and she’s been rolling so much more. No more gagging. And she’s been sleeping so much better!



S is doing great!!! It is unbelievable the change in him!  Sleeping better at night, keeping most solids down, no fussiness, ear pain is gone, and crawling now.  He is just so happy! Thank you!



After E’s appointment with you on Tuesday, the difference in his tummy time was night and day!  E has always hated tummy time and I’ve had a hard time getting in the amount of tummy time he’s supposed to get each day.   He would always start fussing really soon after starting, I couldn’t distract him with toys or anything, He wouldn’t put weight on his arms, etc.  But when we did tummy time on Tuesday evening after the appointment, I couldn’t believe the change!  He lifted his head real high, and was pushing up with his arms, looking at the book I had in front of him.  And then he rolled over (tummy to back) for the first time and has rolled over several times since!!  I couldn’t believe it!!  I figured he would be really late to roll over just because it was so hard to get him to do tummy time and have the chance to develop those muscles.  So we just wanted to let you know and thank you so much for your work!



With my first baby, I had a perfect breastfeeding relationship. When the twins were diagnosed with both lip and tongue ties by our lactation consultant, I went on a journey of understanding how it would impact their life both long and short-term. I was able to overcome all of the breastfeeding challenges but it involved a team of amazing individuals. Along with the lactation consultant and Dr. Newman, I was encouraged to see Leanne Lafuze for Myofascial Release Therapy. This aspect of the healing made an amazing difference immediately following the session, the twin’s latch was more comfortable and efficient. Leanne has an amazing bedside manner and takes the time to explain what the babies are experiencing during the session. Each baby had a totally different experience. Grady loved the mouth work but cried during the bodywork. Tatum LOVED the bodywork but struggled during the mouth work. Seeing the healing and positive impact on breastfeeding with the twins following the sessions made it so worth it.



I just wanted to say thank you again for your help with Q. Today has been wonderful! It has still taken a few attempts to latch but it feels totally normal, not painful at all!



S latched without a shield and he immediately popped off and gave me a huge smile! He is doing so well, thank you.  🙂



Our little guy has improved by leaps and bounds, and he is finally taking 3 bottles of at least 3oz each every day!  Yay!  Thank you so much for all you have done for our family!  It has truly made a world of difference for our little R!



Wanted to check in with you today and let you know we are seeing awesome results from G’s appt he had with you on Wednesday.  He actually had a follow-up appointment with the Chiropractor today from his appointment Monday and as soon as I handed G to Dr. Snyder he immediately asked what he had done since our last appointment with him (Monday) because he felt the difference immediately.  He is just in the last 30 hours and started swallowing at every nursing session and we even had a few sessions today that we didn’t have to follow up with a bottle to make sure he had enough to eat.



Price & Plans



$ 134 /mo

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$ 287 /mo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con sectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.


$ 399 /mo

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